Dual Credit Resources
TCC offers resources for Dual Credit students, including virtual orientation, tutoring, enrollment assistance, and proctoring options.
Here to Help You
At TCC, we understand the importance of providing up-to-date information to our current students as well as their parents and counselors.
If you have additional questions, please contact Dual Credit Programs at dualcredit@tulsacc.edu, 918-595-4705, or join our virtual office waiting room.
General Student Resources
Get Enrolled
Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 enrollment begins on April 7, 2025.
You must get admitted before you can log in to the enrollment portal.
Before using the Dual Credit Enrollment Portal please take a moment to review the Enrollment Tutorials.
Dual Credit Orientation Videos
We offer two different orientations depending on the course length you are taking. There is one for students taking 8-week courses and 16-week courses.
Watch Orientation for 8-week CoursesWatch Orientation for 16-week Courses
Virtual Student Tips and Services
- Be self-disciplined and practice good time management. In all college classes, students are expected to learn independently. Independent learning is even more important for online classes.
- Schedule 9-12 hours each week to complete your work. Online classes require the same amount of time as face-to-face classes.
- Start major assignments well in advance of the due date. Many online classes have only one due date, but rarely can a student complete all the assignments in one day.
- Study all instructional materials posted in Blackboard. Instead of using a costly textbook, many professors use OERs (open educational resources). These include free online textbooks, but also handouts, websites, and videos. Students should study/take notes over these materials as they would a chapter in a text or a class lecture.
- Email your professor with any questions about assignments using your TCC email account. Your professors are here to help you learn. Always be respectful in emails, and be specific about what you don’t understand.
- If you still have questions, ask your professor for an appointment to talk with them. Professors are willing to meet with you, in person or virtually, or on a call if needed.
- Check your TCC email once a day and log onto Blackboard several times each week.
- Have all required software—e.g., Microsoft Word for an English Class. Issues with technology will create problems for students. Download Microsoft Office Free to Dual Credit Students
- Attend the Online Foundations Course. Launch: Online Classroom Foundations is an introduction to the online class environment, designed to prepare and equip students with the resources they need to be successful in the online class environment.
TCC Testing Services
TCC has testing centers at each of the four main campuses. Visit Testing Services for hours of operation, and plan to arrive at least two hours before closing time.
Bring the following items with you to the testing center on the day of the exam:
- a photo ID (driver’s license or student ID)
- a writing utensil
- a calculator (for math exams)
A University or College Near You
For assistance setting up a TCC exam in another institution's testing center, contact dualcredit@tulsacc.edu. We will provide you with the location, contact information, and fee (if any) for the college or university where you choose to take your exams. You will contact them for specifics regarding hours of operation, ID required, payment, etc.
Honorlock for Math
When you enroll in a virtual math course as part of High School Plus One, you will have two proctored exams, if you do not want to come to a TCC Testing Services or test in a local college/university testing center, then you will take your exams using Honorlock.
Honorlock will cost approximately $10 per exam.
Within the first two weeks of the semester, you must email your math professor, using your TCC email address, stating your proctoring method of choice, TCC Testing Services, Honorlock, or a local university or college. Additional information will be provided by your professor within the course Blackboard site.
High School Counselor & Administrator Resources
The Counselors’ Dashboard provides immediate access to enrollment requests, ready to review, your reviewed enrollments, processed enrollments and incomplete enrollments.
Getting Started
Set up a high school counselor’s access to the Dual Credit Student Enrollment Portal so that you may approve a student’s request for college enrollment, contact dualcredit@tulsacc.edu with the high school counselor's email address, name, and school name.
Watch the Counselor Portal Tutorial for detailed instructions.
Oklahoma Dual Credit Transcription Statute
Pursuant to 70 O.S. §628.13, when a student earns college credit through concurrent enrollment, school districts shall provide academic credit for any concurrently enrolled higher education courses that are correlated with the academic credit awarded by the institution of higher education. Academic credit shall only be transcripted as elective credit if there is no correlation between the concurrent enrollment higher education course and a course provided by the school district.